Place Bets in Craps Game
These bets are somewhat simple. There are actually two different types of place bets. One is called place bet to win and the other is place bet to lose. Essentially, these are bets that may be wagered at any time during the round. The numbers that can be wagered on are 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10. If you wager a "place to win" bet, then you must roll that number before rolling a seven. If you make a "place to lose" bet, then you must roll a seven before rolling that number.
The payouts are actually quite good in this bet. In fact, they are nearly the same as true odds but usually slightly less. The actual odds of throwing a 4 and 10 are 2:1, the odds for 5 and 9 are 3:2 and the odds of throwing 6 and 8 are 6:5. The payouts are 9:5 for rolling a 4 or 10, 7:5 after rolling 5 or 9 and 7:6 for rolling a 6 or 8. As you can see here, the payouts are slightly lower than true odds. The house edge for place 4 and place 10 is 6.67%, the house edge for place 5 and place 9 is 4.00% and the house edge for place 6 and place 8 is a very nice 1.57%.
I tried to provide a screenshot of different place bets below. The first thing to do is look for the top roll with the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10. Above and below each of these numbers are spots labeled "lose" and "win" along with the payout for each "place bet". These are where you make your different place bets on the craps table layout. One thing to remember is not all casinos offer these bets. Many online casinos do but many land based casinos do not. Also, the odds can be slightly different depending on the casino rules.

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